Studies in 
Bible Chronology 

Why Bother??


Bible Chronology displays the glory of God, clearly, wonderfully and irrefutably. Only God could arrange the extraordinary Time patterns that we find in God’s Word from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation, patterns which continue today. 

Arising from an understanding of God’s control over Time, God’s people gain great confidence in their Christian faith and discipleship. 

That faith has nothing to do with “fingers crossed and let’s hope for the best”. It has everything to do with being solidly grounded in the Facts, Facts which in no small part draw their strength from the Time patterns divinely placed within God’s Word and uncovered by the study of Bible Chronology.

Arthur Ware and Frank Paine are criticised in some quarters today because at times they made date predictions as to future Biblical events which turned out to be premature. But there are four sound reasons why these men and their work are still worthy of our serious attention today.

The first reason concerns the men themselves. A half-hour browse through their books, papers and talks will clearly show that Arthur Ware, Frank Paine and their colleagues come over as being remarkable men of God. These men were devout, patient, prayerful and meticulously thorough. They learned to set aside their preconceived ideas and simply to study what Scripture actually says concerning time, dates, events and prophecies.

The second reason concerns the time they spent on this work. This was no evening hobby for a few men for a few months. They spent many years of their lives on these tasks, often at considerable personal cost in terms of their families, careers and incomes. None of their critics came or comes anywhere close to matching the years these men gave to the task! Do all those years of study really make it likely that the whole thing is a nonsense?

The third reason concerns their repeated requests that their results be fully checked. Time and again in the pages of their books the authors urge their readers to check out the facts and figures in the Bible for themselves. They assert repeatedly that every statement they make can be verified from Scripture, either directly or by inference, and is consonant with the various secular astronomical calendars that are available to us. Would they really keep urging us to do that if they were not utterly sure of their ground? 
The fourth reason concerns the significance of their work and results. If their results are true, and the weight of evidence strongly suggests that they are, then they serve as a major, urgent and challenging wake-up call to both the Church and the wider world. 

There are no good grounds for writing these men off. There are many good grounds for taking them very seriously.

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